Parking & Transit

Parking and Transit Consultation

With over 100,000 people visiting Neyland Stadium in the fall for home football games, you might imagine traffic is terrible. However, working with our staff along with local and state police, we have now reduced the time to get back to normal traffic patterns to 90 minutes. Ingenuity, hard work and cooperation helped to make this a reality. We know how to do this and we can help you attain similar goals.

We will review the following:

Overall parking assignment
Staffing organization and assignment
ADA parking
Charter services
Management of parking, internal or contracted
Ingress and egress
Operational hours for parking and shuttles
Tailgate procedures and regulations

When all areas are working in a coordinated effort to improve customer satisfaction, outcomes are improved and things flow smoother.
Customer satisfaction is greatly improved when patrons can park easily and access attractions quickly.

Get In Touch

I have spent my entire life in entertainment and sports. Garth Brooks, Jimmy Buffett, Carrie Underwood, The NFL, NASCAR, Queen, Van Halen, and hundreds of others call on Bandit for their production services. These events all occur in arenas and stadiums. In that journey I have had the pleasure of working with David, Tim, and Jeff on many occasions. The success of a concert or event is very dependent upon the venue staff on the ground. The show staff can be the worlds best, but if the venue staff is not properly educated and trained, the event normally is less than it could be. Years ago, our industry began choosing venues based on the professionalism of the local staff. To that end there is no better team than David, Tim and Jeff in venue management and operations. Their expertise was firmly grounded in athletic events many years ago, but then they became world class in other events. In today’s marketplace concerts, corporate events and special events have become important sources of income for every venue. I highly recommend TREM for your consulting needs.

Michael T. Strickland,  Chair Bandit Lites, Inc.