Facilities Review

Why work with TREM?

Why have TREM review your facilities space? Because we know there are ways to use space differently than you may have imagined.

Let us take a tour while we discuss how you use each area, discuss what’s working and what still needs adjusting to correct issues.

Let us be your sounding board and the answer to your questions.

Example review questions include:

Can we add additional events to maximize your revenues? Are concessions running smoothly? Can people get to and from an area with little to no issue? We will review your VIP space. How are your clubs, skyboxes, loges and VIP decks working for you?
Is there adequate recruiting space, media space, even Olympic sport space? Are you turning over space during one event for multiple groups to maximize venue capabilities?
We will identify locations to capture possible revenue areas and/or increase flow to enhance concessions and catering. Are there other space considerations such as tent areas, revenue space, beer only concessions or KIOSKS?
Catering and VIP are hugely important areas where things have to run smoothly. People expect the best and to also be pampered. Menus, pricing, alcohol policy and distribution are key to making this customer experience the best it can be.
Televising or streaming an event requires additional resources. Is there adequate power for trucks, parking and seating for additional staff, command post space and appropriate communication systems in place?
Finally, we will evaluate existing equipment needs and facilities services structure for event support. In every area, we have insight, guidance and expertise to help make your event the very best it can possibly be.
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I had the opportunity to work closely with this team of experts for many years in my twenty-five year tenure at the Knoxville Police Department from my days as a supervisor to leading the agency as Chief of Police. Jeff, Tim, and David are consummate professionals that understand the nuances of all things safety when it comes to events and venues. Together they created environments on the University of Tennessee Campus that were safe, functional, and successful for crowds from a few thousand to well over a hundred thousand. I valued their skills then as I do now. I highly recommend them to anyone seeking insight into design, build, managing, and securing public and private event spaces.

David Rausch,  Director Tennessee Bureau of Investigation